They dread not only the gradual loss of beautiful skin and attractive
figure, but also the psychological and physical discomforts associated
with a decline in estrogen.production.
Estrogen is not just a female hormone, but an integral key to the
well-being of ladies all over the globe, because it controls how they
feel, and how they look. Estrogen is responsible for good looking and
soft skin, pliant blood vessels, healthy hip-to-waist ratio, emotional
stability, and cognitive ability.When this hormone fluctuates and
gradually decreases, women suffer many uncomfortable symptoms and become
predisposed to depression, weight gain, and serious health challenges.
Forever Vitolize for Women is a revolutionary new supplement that
supports mental and physical health through the monthly cycle and a
lifetime of growth and change for all women.
Vitolize For Women Proprietary Blend contains:
Cranberry consumption is linked to fewer urinary tract infections in
women and is known to inhibit the bacteria that cause stomach ulcers and
urinary problems. Cranberries also contribute greatly to antioxidant
content of blood, lower cholesterol, and slow oxidative aging in your
cells and organs. Cornell University’s Department of Food Science also
found that phytonutrients in cranberries inhibit the growth of breast
cancer and play a role in the death of cancer cells.
2.Health Benefits of Apple
As a regular part of your diet, Apple is a protective factor against
cancer, stroke, heart disease, weight gain, osteoporosis, high
cholesterol, diabetes, Alzheimers disease, Parkinson’s disease, and
more. The health benefits of apples are usually attributed to pectin,
which is found in the peel, but other chemical components of apple can
help you build muscle and speed up your metabolism. Apple is also a good
source of phytoestrogens which can lessen the severity of PMS and
Menopause symptoms.
3.Benefits of Schisandra Berry
The Chinese have used schisandra for many centuries to treat stress,
fatigue, and excessive sweating. By stimulating the nervous system and
increasing mental clarity, schisandra helps you combat the fatigue and
lethargy concurrent with aging and avoid the subsequent weight gain and
associated health problems. Studies on schisandra berries show potential
ability to protect the heart and liver from disease and oxidation,
while an in vitro study revealed its ability to kill human leukemia
cancer cells.
4.Health Benefits of Passion Flower
A natural anti-depressant and muscle relaxant, passion flower can
benefit your overall health by limiting the negative effects of stress
which include weight gain, headache, hypertension, and insomnia. Weight
gain from stress is particularly damaging to the health as it is
concentrated in the abdominal area and raises your risks for diabetes
and many serious diseases. Passion flower is also an excellent remedy
for PMS and Menopaus symptoms such as cramping, irritability, hot
flashes, night sweats, anxiety, depression, etc. A double-blind study
found this herb to be as effective as Oxazepam in relieving generalized
5.Vitamins & Minerals in Vitolize For Women
- Vitamin C — Highly antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, Vitamin C lowers unhealthy inflammation (a cause of menstrual pain, hot flashes, and digestives issues). Daily Vitamin C is also essential to maintaining and building healthy tissues (including skin), bone density, weight management, and immune function.
- Vitamin D — Vitamin D intake is known to reduce menstrual pain. This vitamin is also needed to maintain strong bones and teeth. Bone loss typically begins at age 30, and menopause increases bone loss and risk of osteoporosis. Don’t wait until you are old to worry about broken bones.
- Vitamin E — It has been observed for many years that Vitamin E slows DNA mutation (a basic factor in aging and cancer), so getting enough of this lipid soluble nutrient is an important part of staying healthy. M.E. Nadia et al. also found that Vitamin E prevented postmenopausal bone loss and increased calcium absorption in animal models.
- Folic Acid — Also called Folate or Vitamin B9, Folic Acid is required for repairing DNA and helping your cells continue to grow and divide (very important steps to avoid premature aging). Getting enough Vitamin B9 can also lower your risk of anemia and cardiovascular diseases.
- Vitamin B12 — Deficiencies of this vitamin can cause brain fog, depression, and anxiety (serious deficiencies cause permanent brain damage). B12 is also required for metabolic reactions, building red blood cells, and mental health. Many PMS and Peri-Menopause symptoms may actually be attributed to vitamin B deficiency.
- Calcium — Calcium supplementation not only helps to cut your chances of osteoporosis and broken bones after menopause, getting enough of this mineral can lessen the severity of menstrual cramps.
- Iron — Menstruating women are very prone to iron deficiency. Sypmtons include fatigue, dizziness, headache, restless legs syndrome, rapid heartbeat, and weak nails – common issues in women of reproductive age. For the safety of post-menopausal women, Vitolize for Women only contains 14% daily value of iron.
- Magnesium — A natural muscle relaxant, magnesium supplementation can improve menstrual cramping. Magnesium also plays a role in building bones and teeth, preventing muscle spasms, and lowering blood pressure (by relaxing blood vessels).
As this impressive list of ingredients demonstrates, Forever Living has
devoted a lot of attention to providing women of all ages with the
nutritional tools to be healthy and stay healthy for as long as
possible. The wear and tear of menstruation, childbirth, motherhood, and
menopause, take a constant toll on the female body.
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